Attendance & Punctuality
At Earlsmead we regard regular attendance and punctuality with great importance. If pupils want to do well they need to be in school everyday. We take this seriously at Earlsmead School. We have an Attendance Team who work very hard to make sure our attendance and punctuality are as good as they can be. This team consists of:
Mr McKenna - Deputy Headteacher
Arta Carkaxhiu - Learning Mentor
Yvonne Austin - Learning Mentor
Please come and see them anytime if you need support with attendance and punctuality.
Every week Arta and Yvonne look at each classes attendance and punctuality. The classes in KS1 and KS2 who have the best attendance and punctuality are announced in their Key Stage Assemblies. These classes have 10 minutes extra play. The classes that have the best attendance and punctuality in a term have a special treat of a movie and popcorn.
Important Documents
Request for leave of absence from school during term time