Pupil Voice
Ms Kassim our Pupil Voice Lead
At Earlsmead, we pride ourselves on our students having a voice. We value their views on every aspect of school life where possible. We want to nurture a culture where all children feel listened to, valued, respected and empowered. Ms Kassim is our Pupil Voice Lead. She is always ready to listen to the views of the children.
How we listen to children at Earlsmead School
Currently there is a range of opportunities for listening to our students on key issues in our school.
School Council - (see the School Council page)
Play leaders – Children from Years 5 and 6 have been specially trained to help with the younger children in Reception and Key Stage 1. They are to be found in the Infants Playground at lunchtime and before school.
School Action Groups – Each term Terry, who works in our school on Wednesdays, looks at a key area in our school. This term they are looking at our lunches.
Green Team – Watch this space for our new Eco- Monitors.
School Newspaper – We have a school newspaper that is published each term. Each class has a chance to add their views and articles.
Pupil Voice Area – We have a special place in our school hall where children can write their views, ideas and opinions. It’s very yellow and easy to see.
Digital Leaders – A team of children who are passionate about computing and are able to help develop this area in our school.
Pupil Questionnaires – We question all pupils on their opinion each year.