Our much loved school fish have finally found a new home!
Over the holiday our school hall is going to be refurbished. Due to the building work and upheaval in the hall we needed to move the fish tank. When thinking about moving the fish tank we thought about other possible options for our fish. Although their tank is quite large, it isn’t large enough. We tried desperately to find someone who wanted to take care of our fish with a tank big enough. When our search was unsuccessful we decided to contact London Sea Life Aquarium for advice. They were keen to re-home both our fish with them at their aquarium!
Last week both fish were collected safely by staff from London Sea Life Aquarium. The fish will live in a quarantine tank for 6 weeks before being introduced into the HUGE display tanks at the aquarium.
They have promised to keep us updated with the progress of both fish. They have named the biggest fish ‘Sheldon’ after our own Sheldon in Year 4 Red. Sheldon was very fond of our fish and would visit it daily in its tank in the hall.