Earlsmead Remembers Grenfell


This week will be the first anniversary of the Grenfell tragedy. On the morning of June 14th 2017 we all awoke to these horrific events. Our school community were shocked and deeply saddened by the tragedy and felt very strongly that we should show our support to our West London neighbours. 

We organised a ‘Green for Grenfell’ day encouraging our children to wear green to show their support and collected donations. The total of £409 that Earlsmead School raised was added to another pot of money that the Angels of Kaos Choir had raised totalling £1994.79!! This money was distributed between 7 schools all who had been directly affected by the fire losing children, families and staff. 


Each school could use the donations in any way they saw fit to help heal and support their school community. Holland Park School decided to use the money to put towards a memorial bench to remember Nur Huda, one of their pupils who died in Grenfell tower. Avondale Park School put the money towards commemorative mosaic memorials in their playground. All 7 Schools knew that the money had come from the Angels of Kaos Choir and Earlsmead School and were extremely grateful and touched by our support.

You might have seen the memorial event held by Avondale Park School on the BBC news. The whole school community observed a 72 second silence, children read poems, prayers were said in English and Arabic, 12 white balloons were released - one for each of the people who died who were children or family members of Avondale and the school choir sang a couple of songs with huge emotion and passion. It was an extremely moving memorial service. The 4 beautiful memorial mosaics were made with the help of artist Ruth Kersley. Avondale Park’s children, parents and governors all helped to make the mosaics.

Watch the BBC News clip - schoolchildren unveil Grenfell memorials

We need your empty and rinsed out Tetra Paks!

As you may already know, we are involved with a few projects relating to the regeneration of Page Green.


One project requires empty and rinsed out Tetra Paks. Children in every class will be decorating this packaging with designs inspired by Lakwena Maciver. Please bring in any Tetra Paks you have at home, we need as many as possible!

Lakwena Maciver has begun to transform the green TFL air vent at the top of Page Green with her vibrant designs.


Year 4 Orange Colour and Light Workshops


Year 4 Orange were delighted to be taking part in two light workshops with Chris Squire from Impossible Arts who will be creating a lighting installation on Page Green Common later this summer.

The sessions explored:

  • The physics of colour – wavelengths of light, the eye and receptors
  • Colour mixing and complementary colours in art and design.

There are two ways of mixing colour:

  • Additive: For Screens and Lights: which adds coloured light
  • Subtractive: For Paint and Print: where pigments absorb colours

The sessions looked at both of these colour mixing methods and explored the relationships between primary and secondary colours.


Additive Mixing Colour Session

By shining three primary additive colours of light - Red, Green, Blue - so that they mix and overlap in equal measure, we can create a white light. We created this effect in the darkened classroom that allowed Year 4 Orange to explore the overlapping colour effects in a live additive colour mixing session.

As the light sources for these three colours are in slightly different places, then the shadows that are made separate the colours and threw up some interesting effects as the children explored how the colours mix and blend in different ways.

The interesting coloured silhouettes were visible from the other side of the screen. The children were able to watch the shadow effects and colour mixing before they went around to the other side of the screen to take part themselves.


Subtractive Mixing Colour Session

In an enjoyable session Year 4 Orange:

  • Experienced a presentation on the whiteboard
  • Learnt about the eye and how we perceive colour
  • Used both scientific and artistic ideas to study colour and light and its effects and qualities,
  • Investigated the use of the colour wheel
  • Used pigments to mix colours with crayons
  • Developed and created their own ideas and colour combinations using theories of complementary colours.
  • Created their own unique colour combination pictures

Updated Pupil and Parent Privacy Notice

As you may be aware, today the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced across Europe, including the UK. The law aims to give citizens more control over their data and to create a uniformity of rules to enforce across the continent.

As a school, we collect, hold and share certain personal data relating to pupils and their families that you provide us. We have outlined why we do this and who we share the data with in our latest privacy notice and data protection policy, which you can read below. Do please contact us if you would like more information.

Earlsmead Pupil and Parent Privacy Notice

Earlsmead Data Protection Policy GDPR Update

Football coaching for Reception to Year 6


There will be a football course for boys and girls from reception class up to year 6 starting the 6th of June from 3.20pm – 4.20pm. The course is for 7 weeks, is paid in advance and costs £28. The dates are as follows: Wednesday the 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th of June, 4th, 11th and 18th of July.

A professional qualified coach will be responsible for your child during their time on the course. The course will concentrate on improving basic skills and techniques in a fun and safe environment.

If you are interested please download the Soccer Kidz letter.

Summer is finally here - Important Uniform Information

Dear Parent / Carer,

At last the warm weather is here - let’s hope it continues!

We thought it would be helpful to give you some information about how we expect children to dress during the hot weather. The information is in line with our school uniform policy and takes account of health and safety considerations.

Foot wear                                                                                                                Children are allowed to wear sandals (not flip flops) that are brown, black, white or blue. They need to support children’s feet and cover the back of their heel and have an ankle strap. The sandals should protect their toes and should have a good grip. They should not have decorations like beads and tassels.

Children can wear light, canvas shoes in the colours listed above.

Clothing                                                                                                                  Children must wear school uniform. During the summer they can wear shorts and girls can wear uniform summer dresses in blue or red. Please encourage your child to not wear their school jumper or sweatshirt on particularly hot days

Sun protection                                                                                                    During the school day we encourage children to drink plenty of water throughout the day and to stay in the shade as much as possible. Children can bring sun screen in and are responsible for applying it themselves. Children can wear sunglasses in the playground but it is their responsibility to take care of them. They can also wear sun hats / caps in uniform colours. Please make sure these are labelled with your child’s name and class.

Please ensure that you keep all of the above in mind when buying any school summer clothes for your child. If children are not suitably dressed when they come to school we may have to call you to ask you to bring suitable clothing / footwear in.

You can find this letter on the school website for future reference. If you have any queries, please talk to your child’s class teacher.

Yours sincerely,

Hina Shah                                                                                                            Headteacher

Page Green Common Collaborative Regeneration Project

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Page Green Common, situated opposite our school is about to be transformed as part of a regeneration project.

As a whole school community of children, families and staff we will be working on a collaborative art and performance project with various artists. The work we produce, and the work of commissioned artists will become a focal point of the Page Green Common regeneration art project.

Many of us have made a journey that has brought us to this area or we make special journeys within our area that we live. As part of this project we will be celebrating the diversity of our school community and local area and sharing our journey stories and experiences we have. We would like you to work together with your children and as a family to share the journeys that have brought you and your family into our community. Or you could share a journey that you make within our local community that is special to you and your family. Please share details of that journey on the sheet your child brought home from school.

Children will be producing artwork and performances that relate to these journeys to celebrate the diversity within our school community.

Please come along to the hall for a social coffee morning on Friday 4th May at 9:00 if you’d like to be part of our Parent and Carer Page Green Community Regeneration Project and meet some of the artists leading the project. If you can’t attend the first meeting but would like to get involved please contact the school office with a contact phone number or email address or speak to Miss Horbury for more details.     


Haringey Goes Wild at The Royal Albert Hall Monday 4th June


Please note the tickets have gone on sale for this event.  Last time they sold out very quickly.

If your child is in The Choir we will arrange transport there and back for them via coach.  More details will follow on for this later in the week.

If you would like to watch, you will need to buy a ticket directly from The Royal Albert Hall website here. If you are having any difficulties or problems with purchasing tickets, please let me know. 

It was a fantastic experience the last time.  Don’t miss it!

Help us buy new books for our library


A big thank you to all the children for all their efforts during our 'Read and Funathon.'  We raised £207!  Well done to all the children. They all enjoyed it and did so well. If you have any more sponsorship money please return to the school office.  We are trying to get lots of new books for our library.

Ms. Drummond is running the Hackney Half Marathon on Sunday 20th May to raise even more funds for our library. If you would like to, you can sponsor her here.

Brilliant websites to help support your child's reading

There are lots of websites that provide you with resources to help your child read. Other websites help you and your child find quality texts that you can enjoy together. Here are a few of the best.


BookTrust transforms lives by getting children and families reading. BookTrust is the UK's largest children's reading charity. Each year they reach 3.4 million children across the UK with books, resources and support. www.booktrust.org

Books for Keeps

Books for Keeps is the UK’s leading, independent children’s book magazine. It was launched in 1980 and ever since has been reviewing hundreds of new children’s books each year and publishing articles on every aspect of writing for children. There are over 12,500 reviews on our new website and more than 2,000 articles including interviews with the top children’s authors and illustrators. www.booksforkeeps.co.uk

Letterbox Library

For over 30 years, Letterbox Library has been a leading children's bookseller and education supplier, bringing teachers, librarians and parents the best in inclusive children's books.

We are famous for our book selection process:

  • we specialise in books in which all children can see themselves and which reflect our world community in all of its diversity;
  • we use an expert team of volunteers, including teachers & children, to review and choose all of our books;
  • inclusive content is not enough; our reviewers only select books which also show excellence in storyline/artwork;
  • we are passionate about resisting commercial trends; we want to offer children real choices in what they read;
  • we are also known for our books promoting social justice.


The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal

The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal was established in 1955, for distinguished illustration in a book for children. It is named after the popular and highly influential nineteenth century artist known for her fine children's illustrations and designs. Awarded annually, the Medal is the only prize in the UK to solely reward outstanding illustration in a children's book. www.carnegiegreenaway.org.uk


Corebooks helps primary schools choose the very best children's literature for their school or classroom libraries. This site contains a comprehensive selection of high quality texts for children from ages three to eleven and a selection of free teaching sequences. Use the ready-created booklists or create your own wishlists in the knowledge that you are selecting from the best books to engage, enthral and excite children. www.clpe.org.uk/corebooks

Key Stage 2 Easter Disco tomorrow!


Our KS2 Easter Disco is on Thursday 22nd March, that’s tomorrow!!

It will run throughout the afternoon during school time, starting at 1:45 pm until 3:00 pm. Children must come to school in the morning in their school uniform but can bring their party clothes to change into and wear in the afternoon. Children can bring £1 to buy a selection of snacks and a drink. Water will be available for all children during the afternoon.

Those children who don’t wish to join in with the dancing can take part in some Easter colouring in and decorating which will be in one of the classrooms surrounding the hall.

We‘re looking forward to a fun afternoon!