Dear Parents,
As you will know, Haringey Council recently restructured Children’s Centre services in the borough. As a result of this restructuring, Earlsmead Children’s Centre will close as a Sure Start Children’s Centre on Thursday 24th March, 2016.
What does this mean for you?
- If you’re a parent of a child in the FreeFor2s Nursery Programme, there will be no change. The nursery is unaffected by this restructure, and Earlsmead School will continue to offer high-quality nursery care for eligible children.
- If you’re a parent of a child who attends Stay & Play, there will be very little change in the short term. Earlsmead School will continue to offer three supported playgroup sessions per week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
- We hope that the conversational ESOL class, and the craft club will continue, at least until the end of this school year, depending on the availability of the volunteers. We will re-evaluate this for next year.
- We will continue to look for adult-learning opportunities for our families, such as ESOL and Family Literacy, and hope to offer these in the future from the centre.
Sadly, Dara and Rosanne will be leaving on the 24th March, but Michele will be staying on and Sayera, Sheila, Tania, Bibi, Marina and Christine will still be employed in the centre nursery.
The nearest Children’s Centre to Earlsmead will be Triangle, on St Ann’s Road N15, and Welbourne on Stainby Road, N15. Timetables and contact information are available from the office.
On a personal note, we would like to thank all of our children and parents/carers for the friendship and support you have shown us over the last eight years. It has been a joy and privilege to work here with you and your families.
With love,
Dara O’Reilly, Centre Manager.
Earlsmead Children’s Centre will close on 24th March, 2016. The nursery will re-open on Tuesday 12th April, 2016. The last Stay & Play of the term will be on Wednesday 16th March, 2016 at 1:15pm and the next Stay & Play after that will be on Wednesday13th April, 2016, also at 1:15pm.