Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your support around the security measures we introduced last year that were aimed at preventing strangers from entering the building and to ensure that pupils were able to enter and exit the school building safely.
Over the last year these measures were constantly under review in order to establish how successfully they achieved the desired outcome and to identify any additional weaknesses in security.
Our commitment to keeping your children safe from the moment you leave them in our care is of fundamental importance to us. At the same time, we fully appreciate that parents and carers need to have access to the school office during the school day. As a result we will be implementing the following measures from today:
You will notice that there are no longer any buzzers on any of the playground entrances. This means you will not be able to enter the building through any of these doors or to use the Nursery as a cut through to the main office. The only access point for parents and carers and any visitors to the school is the main side entrance on Broad Lane.
Only pupils accompanied by their parent / carer will be allowed to play in the playgrounds after school. Children will be the responsibility of their accompanying parents / carer. A bell will be rung at 3.45 p.m. when you will then have to leave. This enables safe supervision of After School Club children and other Clubs that use the playgrounds
Lost property will be stored in a labelled, weather proof container in the junior and infant playgrounds and not in the school building
All Club leaders have asked that parents and carers make arrangements for siblings or other relatives of club participants to be collected after school at 3.15 p.m. They will not be allowed to watch sessions as club leaders can no longer take responsibility for their supervision
Please ensure that you send your child in with all the equipment / kit / snacks that they need for the club that they are attending in a bag. Let the class teacher or member of support staff know you have done this.
Parents and Carers will no longer be permitted to watch their children during sessions. In these circumstances you are welcome to wait for your child in the playground. Club leaders will accompany club participants to the junior playground at the end of the session where you will be expected to collect them punctually
Club leaders will invite parents and carers to attend showcase performances at different points in the year as we are all keen for you to enjoy and celebrate your children’s accomplishments
If it is your child’s class assembly you are very welcome to come in and watch their performance
If you wish to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher or any other member of staff, please come to the school office or telephone on the number above, leaving a message and contact number. We will always call you back.
Please keep in mind that the reason for implementing these measures is to keep children as safe as possible whilst they are in our care and please do support staff who are working hard to ensure that we achieve this.
Over the next couple of years we will continue to monitor and evaluate the measures taken and will also look at further improvements we can make including increasing CCTV coverage around the school building and its grounds.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, it would be good to hear from you. If you have any queries please contact me or any member of the senior leadership team through the school office.
Best wishes,
Hina Shah